5 Ways to Clear and Ground Before You Write

When we find writing frustrating, stressful or just can’t get the words to flow… it’s because our minds are distracted and clouded!

Before you begin to write clear and ground yourself (AKA “cleanse your aura” or “remove negative energy”).

It’s super important if you want to get yourself into a space where your thoughts can flow into words on the page that will connect with your readers and move them to action.


Sunshine, fresh air, trees, dirt, water… they can all help you calm and ground yourself!

Sunshine has many healing properties and nature can help wash away the stress and emotions overwhelming you…


Crystals can be calming, grounding, and neutralize negative thoughts and energy. Wear them as jewelry, create grids or sit the crystals near your workspace, or hold them.

Some of the best crystals for cleansing and grounding are celestite, amethyst, moonstone, selenite and black tourmaline.

For focus try smoky quartz, amazonite, tigers eye, flourite and malachite.


Light some sage, palo santo, or lavender…

It can help clear negative energy from your space and your aura.

Light your stick or burnables and visualize all the negative energy floating away…


Find a quiet space and take 5 minutes to meditate and visualize.

Begin with gentle breathing… inhaling clean bright air, exhaling negative emotions.

Visualize bright white or pink light surrounding you with peaceful, calm, focused energy.

Connect to your deepest emotions and intentions for what you’re about to share in writing.


Yes, write before you write!

You can journal your feelings and connect with why what you’re about to share matters, your goals in writing, and your intentions for your readers.

You can also journal your affirmations to focus yourself.

Choose 1 or all 5!

Choose the steps that most resonate with you to clear and ground yourself

Make these part of your “writing practice” to help you set the space to write

Remember that your soul knows what to share and just allow it to flow

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