"There's GOT to be an easier way!!"

As an online entrepreneur, it can feel like there’s always another thing to write… 

Sales pages, emails, blog posts, social media, programs, video scripts, PDFs… it’s an endless list!

But outsourcing it just doesn’t feel right, costs too much, or hasn’t worked for you.  I get it!

Good copywriters can be expensive, especially compared to writing it yourself.  

And if you aren’t planning far enough ahead a copywriter can’t get what you need done in time (especially if you’ve got to rewrite it once they deliver).  Too often copy written by someone else doesn’t capture your voice, or reflect your values…

Plus, you know you can write this stuff–and you want to get better and faster at it. But skills take time to develop, and you don’t know what you don’t know.  

What pieces and elements need to be included?  What’s missing?  Is it good enough to hit send or publish?  Will it convert?

Testing My "Psychic" Powers...
Do These Challenges Sound Familiar?

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Writing copy feels like rocket science… or dark magic. You know there are frameworks, structures and key elements that make copy convert, but you aren’t sure what they are or how to apply them. 

Even when you google it, there are so many different options and different ideas you don’t know which to use or what’s best for you!

People Just Aren’t “Getting” Why What You Offer Is So Valuable

When you share your offers and services, it isn’t “clicking” for people–and you aren’t sure why. You know you’re connected with people you can help make a huge impact and difference for, and they should be jumping at your offers… but they aren’t.

It’s hard to express your “unique selling proposition” (USP) if you aren’t clear yourself on how what you offer connects to what your audience is aware they want and need.

It Feels Like You’re Throwing Spaghetti At A Wall

Content marketing is supposed to work.  But even when you’re kinda consistent about sharing content, it doesn’t seem to be working.  

You don’t have a clear plan on exactly what your key content areas (pillars) are, how they connect to your offers, or what’s really going to grab attention.  

Content And Copy Are Taking Way Too Much Time

You’re constantly second-guessing yourself, re-writing (or not writing at all), and hesitating every time you start to press “send” or click “publish.”

You know it’s possible to get your copy done faster, and feel great about it, but something isn’t “clicking” for you…

Finishing your sales page or emails for launch in a single days feels impossible!

You Just Feel Stuck Or Rushed

It’s hard to make time to focus on writing your copy, and when you do, you feel stuck or rushed, and you know what you’re putting out there could be better.  

Without a solid system, strategy and process in place, you’re going back to the drawing board and starting from zero for everything.  Which makes it feel easier to just avoid it until the last minute… you don’t need that kind of stress!

It’s Still Not Really YOU–And It’s Not Connecting

You’re trying to create content that speaks to everyone, while not triggering anyone, but yet still say what you believe.  And it feels like it’s not you, or not connecting with the right people and getting them excited to take a next step with you.  

You aren’t vanilla ice cream.  Let me show you how to bring your unique flavor into your content — and create calls to action that feel good and work.

Sound About Right?
I've Got a Simple Solution for You...

The good news is, ANYONE can create great content and copy if they’ve got a few key things:

  • Clear strategic goals and a plan to reach them, so you know exactly what pieces you need, which content is actually important to focus on, and what order to get it done in.
  • A well defined brand and voice, and clarity on who you’re speaking to, so everything feels coherent and aligned.
  • The right words to explain and express the real value in what you offer (beyond the features or elements included)–and how to say it in a way that grabs people.
  • Proven, tested frameworks so you never miss a critical piece of the conversion-puzzle, and easy checklists to make review fast so you can hit “publish” with confidence.

The real secret to effective copywriting is realizing that it’s not just about copy (which may be why that template didn’t quite work out like you hoped).  

There isn’t a quick fix or an AI solution to getting the right strategy in place to craft the right copy to attract the right audience and convert them into clients you love, who get amazing results.

But there is a simple solution to all of the above!

Spoiler Alert! You Don't Need a Copywriter...
(That's Just an Expensive Band-Aid)

As a copywriter that might sound like a crazy (and dangerous) statement.  But it’s the truth.

If you want to get better at writing your content and copy, it’s a smarter move to invest in developing your own skills–but FAST.

Plus, you know your audience and your voice better than anyone does… what you need is a Copy Mentor to collaborate with!

Someone with the experience, frameworks, and ideas to guide you through your copy.  Because you don’t just want “words”–you want the strategy first, then the right words for your voice, your audience and your offer!

When we work together, you get my 20+ years of experience and perspective to help create with you and…
  • Blast through blocks by connecting with what gets you fired up and inspired to create content 
  • Create a powerful strategic plan so you’re never stuck and always know what to focus on next 
  • Get massive clarity on your audience, voice, and brand so you can show up as YOU in your copy and attract your right people develop confidence in your own writing
  • Provide actionable suggestions, inspired ideas, practical edits and overall feedback to help you create better copy now and in the future

So How's this "Copy Mentor" Thing Work?

Our goal as we work together, and what we focus on, is up to you!  My priority is to shortcut your learning curve by helping you discover how to:

  • Approach your copy strategically (we’ll map out your campaigns and align your content to your goals–I’ve got crazy experience with this!)
  • Create consistently, with purpose, and have fun in the process (I promise, it’s possible!)
  • Connect with your values and brand in a way that frees you to be yourself and express yourself in your copy
  • Craft messaging that’s aligned with your voice and tone while grabbing the right people’s attention and getting them excited to work with or hire you
  • Develop processes and frameworks that support effective writing habits (sounds boring, I know, but boring = stress free! and my processes tend to include music, cards, crystals, incense, and are never generic “checklist” approaches)

So you get support with:

  • Simple frameworks and structures to make writing copy faster and easier
  • Developing or dialing in your marketing themes and content focuses to align with your brand, expertise and offers
  • Creating a system that works for you to repurpose and leverage your existing and new content
  • Support to step into your inner writing bad-ass (she’s there, just hiding!) and give yourself permission and grace to communicate from a place of clarity and confidence in the value you offer
  • Designing a calendar for your content so you’ve got a clear (reasonable) plan to get things done you can feel great, and relaxed
  • Messaging that engages your audience and call to action invitations that feel good–never sleazy or pushy–attracting your perfect-fit clients and referrals


What that looks like in a copy mentoring session…

  • We connect and you share the goals you’re focused
  • Based on your goals, we look at things strategically to map out what’s needed next
  • We prioritize the copy pieces and work together on messaging and elements to get you started, or we choose one piece of copy to knock out A to Z so it’s ready to publish or share
Your job?  Simply show up as you, even if that feels messy or chaotic (because a hot mess is still hot, just needs a little organization and polish!), bring whatever you’ve got (even if it’s just a vague idea of what might be next), and allow me to support you.  Simple, right?

What's Included, Exactly?

There are five core elements included in your copy mentor package:

Kick-off Planning Session and Goal Assessment
Strategy comes first before we write a single word!  We’ll hop on Zoom for 90 minutes and strategize together to get crystal clear on your goals, your superpowers, your offers, your audience and your big picture goals.  

Bi-Weekly Copy Mentor Co-Writing Sessions
Every other week (because you’re already busy and this is to save you time, not add another meeting your already packed calendar) we’ll connect on Zoom for an hour and work together on whatever content or copy’s top of your priority list.

Tools and Templates from My Extensive Library of Copywriting Magic
Whatever’s on your list, I’ve probably got a tool, template or framework that’ll save you time and help make sure it’s effective!  

Email Support Between Sessions
Don’t worry–you won’t be waiting for 2 weeks to get feedback!  In between sessions you can send over anything you’re working on for quick feedback or ideas.

HUGE BONUS: One Piece of Copy Done FOR You Every Month
Sometimes you just don’t have the time to write it yourself.  You choose one copy piece per month, and I’ll write it for you!  Ask for a sales page, email series, social media content, speaker sheet, opt-in page… and I’ll make it reality.

Plus, 2 Things You Won't Find Anywhere Else...

What happens when you cross a copywriter with 20+ years experience in a crazy diverse range of niches and levels of campaigns…

With a connected-to-her-roots Celtic woman who loves energy work, crystals, and has a degree in Metaphysical Science?

Well, you get ME!  And what that means for you is an odd-but-powerful combination of logical and spiritual approach.  (You can find out more about me here, if you’re curious!)

There are two unique key parts of the way I approach copywriting and copy mentoring:

S+E4 Profitable Copy Formula


If you don’t know your goals, you’ll never know when you’ve achieved them!

Always start with the strategy that gets you from where you’re at, to where you want to be.


Attention is everything.  And knowing exactly what will grab the attention of your ideal clients and keep them engaged so you can move them into action!


If it’s not entertaining, you won’t keep people engaged long enough to find out more about your offers!  Well done copy draws people in then connects emotionally with stories.


You don’t need to be hypey, sleazy, pushy, or “dig into the pain” to convert.  You can sell within your own ethical and moral values — and your audience will respect you for it.


You’ve got to track and measure every step of the way!  

Effective copy allows you to bring in more revenue and create a bigger positive impact!

The Unique "Copy-Craft" Method


Strategy and Frameworks Matter if You Want Results

We start there, with a solid foundation and effective framework based on the unique goals for any campaign or stand-alone piece of copy we’re working on.

First we connect the dots between where you’re at and where you want to be, then we create the right words in the right places to get you to the goal.


Then Add the “Magic”
to Connect and Convert

“Words cast spells. That’s why it’s called spelling. Words are energy. Use them wisely.”

When you unlock your unique magic and infuse it into your copy and content, it becomes powerful.

You’ll be able to truly connect, engage and persuade as you.  No hype, no sleaze.


To Attract Perfect-Fit Clients to Your Offers

Because that’s the goal!  To attract in clients you’ll love working with who will love the results they get!

Combine the right methods with your unique magic, your words become truly magnetic.

Business is about making a profit while making a positive impact for your clients (and for the world). 

Ready? Let's Get Started!
The Sooner We Start... (You Know the Rest)

Three Months

3-month package $1500

Six Months

6-month package $2500

The Bottom, Bottom Line

You’ve got two choices:

Get Support and Mentorship


Keep “Figuring it Out” on Your Own…

Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 7.42.02 PM

So the real question is… do you want to keep trying to get it all done on your own, stressing out, and struggling to keep up while knowing you could do better?  

Or do you want to make the decision to get the support you deserve to level up your skills, get fresh ideas and an experience perspective to help you get your copy done faster, with less stress, and more effectively?  

Finally… an easy decision.  😉

The As to Your Qs

What can we really get done in a session?

Smart question!  While the answer is “it depends” here are some examples of things clients have completed in a session:

  • Series of emails (mapping out an entire sequence with notes and ideas on each–or completely writing up to 3 emails)
  • Opt-In funnels (creating the concept for the freebie, writing the opt-in page,  writing the confirmation page and email)
  • Sales page outline (let’s be real, unless it’s short, the whole page isn’t an hour project, but you can get a great start or complete edits/punch-up/polish!)
  • Video script
  • Speaker sheet
  • Social media bios/content

Whatever you’ve got – bring an idea or a draft, and you’ll be shocked at how quickly we can evaluate your goals and dial in it with angles and words that convert!

What kinds of content can we work on?

If it’s got words, we can tackle it together!

I’ve co-created a crazy variety of content with clients…

From the typical internet marketing assets to more industry-specific or niche-specific items including:

  • sales pages
  • funnel pieces
  • opt-ins
  • emails series
  • speaker sheets
  • podcast descriptions
  • pitches
  • capability statements
  • proposals
  • cover letters
  • resumes
  • grant proposals
  • crowdfunding pitches
  • advertising assets (FB ads, print ads, etc)
  • magazine articles and ads
  • blog post pitches (and blog posts)

And so much more… like I said, if it’s words, we can work on it!

I'm already so busy... will this really save me time?

Absolutely!  Not only will creating your strategic plan help you spent your time more wisely, you won’t have to stare at a blank page waiting for inspiration or ideas to hit…

Can we do a "test run" session? Or one month to start?

To really support you with your copy skills and help improve conversions in your business, we need time.

But, what I can offer you is two ways to get to know me and see if I’m a fit:

  1. Check out the CopyCraft cafe!
  2. Click over to my contact page and send me a link to something you’re looking for feedback or ideas on and I’ll make a quick loom with ideas and suggestions so you can experience what working with me is like.

Still Got Questions?