What's Your Irresistible Reason for Prospective Clients
to "Act Now" Instead of Waiting?

(How to End the "Let's Circle Back..." Frustration)

Most entrepreneurs make two HUGE mistakes when it comes to giving potential clients a reason to “act now!”

1.  Avoiding it all together because they think it’s got to be false urgency or sleazy.

2.  Not fully understanding the difference between urgency vs scarcity and internal vs external motivators.

The real secret?  Urgency and scarcity already exist.
You don’t need to ever create it or fake it.
You just need to help reveal it so the potential client sees it.

Creating a sense of urgency is NECESSARY – it’s not wrong, it’s not manipulative, it’s not sleazy – as long as you do it from a place of integrity.

Influence vs. Manipulation… Persuasion vs. Coercion…

The difference in the “light side” (influence and motivation) vs the “dark side” (persuasion and coercion)?  Too often we hear that it’s intent.  It’s more than that.  It’s permission.

Are they choosing to read your sales page?  Be on a call with you?  Watch your video or webinar?

They’re CHOOSING to – they can click away, hang up, or stop the video.  That’s permission.

Which means you have a RESPONSIBILITY – your potential client has come to you because they have a problem, they are ASKING for your help.  To be in a place of integrity you can and you SHOULD use every single ethical tool in your tool box to support them in making the decision that fixes their problem!!

Influence is part art, part science but it’s got to start
with a common goal and permission to reach it together.

Let the client tell you why it IS in fact urgent (either on a call or in your messages back and forth leading up to your call).

GET CURIOUS – and listen ACTIVELY.  Use “tactical and active empathy” – and keep in mind the concept of “loss-aversion” – we are more likely to take action to avoid losing something, than we are to take action to gain.

So… what’s at stake for your potential clients?  You’ve got to get to what they stand to LOSE and not just GAIN.

Possible questions to ask…

  • “Where are you (your company) at right now?  Where do you see yourself (your company) in (90 days/1 year/5 years/etc)”
  • “Great!  So what’s holding you back or what are you next challenges to reaching those goals?”
  • “Got it… totally understand… did you know XXXXX?”  (Challenger sale method – builds credibility and urgency to act on new info)
  • “So what’s the problem you most need solved right now?” (No symptoms, actual diagnosis of problem)
  • “What’s the effect it’s having?”
  • “What have you already tried?  How did it work/not work?”
  • “Help me understand so I can provide the best guidance – what’s the most frustrating part of where you’re at right now?”
  • “What do you feel like is in the way of changing/solving it?”
  • “If you could snap your fingers or wave a magic wand, how soon would you want to shift/solve/change that?”
  • “What if we fix this, what happens next?”
  • “What happens if we don’t fix this?”
  • “How committed are you to the process of fixing it?  How soon do you need to start seeing results from a different approach or solution?”
  • “So as we solve this, what’s the first step or the first small result you’re looking for that will show you it’s finally changing/shifting/resolving?”
  • “How would you feel, and what would change for you, if we could make that happen in the next (time frame)?”
  • (“How does it affect the board?  Your partner?  Etc”)


These questions will help you reveal why it IS urgent for the potential client to take action to solve the problem or address the challenge you can help them with.

You also need to understand the difference in urgency and scarcity
(leverage both!) and internal vs external motivations for each.

Urgency is why someone needs to act quickly.  Scarcity is FOMO (limited availability).

So what urgency and/or scarcity exists for someone to say yes now vs. later?

Beyond the difference in urgency and scarcity, you also want to identify the difference in real vs. suggested and internal vs. external motivators.

Internal motivations are the emotional or logical reasons the prospect wants to solve the problem.  

External motivations are what you reveal externally (the group is starting, the program is filling, bonuses are time limited, etc).

Here are some examples:

Take a few minutes and write down notes for yourself on how you can apply what you’ve just discovered to your own follow up and sales processes–and take action!