Your Lead: 10 Attention-Grabbing Openers

Warning: If you aren’t doing this one thing right, you’re losing readers faster than Frosty the Snowman melts in the summertime sun… If your potential reader gets past your headline… you’ve got to GRAB them with your opening before they click away to all the other shiny objects competing for their attention! So how do […]
Transform a Boring Headline into an Attention-Grabber

Just a few extra minutes of time and attention to your headline can make a world of difference in the results you get. “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Mark Twain Here are five quick strategies to help you take your […]
7 Ways to Power Up Your Headlines

1. Weave in controversy or curiosity. Spend a few minutes browsing a news website or two and watch how they use controversy and curiosity to keep you clicking through to read one article after another. Strong opinions get attention. Are you willing to go out on a limb and be controversial? And while curiosity might […]
Fill-in-the-Blank Headline Templates

How to Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines FAST If you’re creating any content online – sales pages, emails, blog posts, social media posts… you need headlines that will grab the attention of your ideal audience so they’re excited to read more! But trying to brainstorm a great headline idea from a blank page can be painful and […]
How to Write Compelling Headlines Quickly

Grab Attention First Your headlines are promises and you’ve got to promise something that your readers want if you want their attention. Your readers need to know exactly what they’ll get when they click through to read your content. What are you promising and why should it matter to them? What do they get out […]